View Profile BigBlueBalls

27 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Still makes me wonder how movies like this

get saved. It makes me wonder why this movie would get saved yet I've seen way more talent than this get blammed. Obviously certain newground members found ways to cheat and get simple movies like this saved. Like what do you do, get a bunch of your friends to vote 5 or is there some other secret we don't know about yet?

Please tell me so I can spend 2 seconds on flash and get it to stay in the portal too.

No-blam-4-u responds:

Well, to be honest, im just as puzzled as you are, how does this shit live? i mean honestly, i have to agree with u there. I think people blam stuff way to much, that deserves to live, for more then half the people here aren't flash animators to begin with and don't know shit abotu flash, well thanks for ur bitching, i'll take it into consideration

This movie was really stupid

but I gotta admit it did make me laugh. Just work on the sound a bit because it really was kind of ear piercing. You definitely have potential.

izax-1 responds:

ooooooohhh thanks

Here's an example of something

that only got saved because he's got friends to help boost his rating. I would be nice if newgrounds could do something about this. Almost everyday now we are getting these guys that spam the portal with really bad flash. Flash like this is a waste of space. Especially with this author that has 10 other crap movies just like this.

KillerBorf responds:

I'm so glad that you assume all this just by watching my movie. You figured it all out based on the simple fact that you didn't like this movie. So you ask yourself, "How could this movie be on newgrounds?". You are completely right. I got all my other newgrounds cronies to vote 5 on this just so it will stay alive. No... Wait..... I must be confusing that with something that actually happened. You're just a moron.

It took me a while, but I do understand

the concept of suicide. It's similar to a coyote chewing off it's leg to escape a trap. It is an escape from pain or feeling trapped. Since we are human and have the intelligence to understand death, we also understand that death is an end to pain.

What a lot of people have to really understand though is that this pain is internal and only really exists in the mind. It hardly has to do with pain from external sources. If that were the case then we'd have mass suicides in poor countries like Afghanistan. Instead even poor people find a reason to live. They'd look at middle-class problems to be little compared to theirs. I believe suicide has more to do with depression and internal pain than to do with whether you got fired from you job or whatever life threw at you. Life was meant to be full of pain. Go back in history and see how easy our lives are today in modern society compared to say a caveman. They had to run from predators everyday for chrissakes. Lived in caves and had to survive on hunting and gathering. After years and years of just trying to survive you'd think they would just feel like giving up and committing suicide too. They didn't and they survived long enough to create another generation of humans.

So this is why suicide has to do with an individuals view of the world, not the problems they have to face. Might even be a chemical imbalance and they need antidepressants. There are people who say things like, "Oh boo hoo my parents beat me" and tell these people to get over it because there are others with similar or bigger problems. The thing is a depressed person may not be able to see past their own pain even if they tried. So a few words of encouragement isn't the answer. Usually they heard enough of that. They probably heard more words like, "worthless, lazy, not paying attention etc.". Which makes them more depressed and those problems just get worse. It could be that modern society gives us too much time to think and dwell on our problems instead of spending most of our time trying to survive like primitive man.

Either way though the best thing for a depressed person to do is to see a psychiatrist before they attempt suicide. At least try to find a solution before committing suicide. Try saving up $1500 and go on a vacation down in the tropics just to shake your life up a bit. Sometimes a breath of fresh air in your life can help cure depression. A lot of people get depressed just because their life is going stale, so the best cure could be to just put some spice into it. Since you wanna die anyway then go bungi jumping, skydiving, scuba diving, etc. At least experience what it feels like to stare death in the face before actually doing it. Sometimes trying new things in your life, regardless of your problems, does help. I mean if you're gonna commit suicide regardless at least sell everything you got and blow all your money on a trip to Bermuda. You've got nothing to lose anyway so you should at least have one big blast before you die.

Ok this is another long review. Not a real criticle one just my opinions on suicide. Hey a movie like this deserves long reviews because it makes you think.

HeRetiK responds:

it's interesting to hear other peoples opinion about suicide. yours is actually pretty similar to mine.

Ok ok I definitely know the answer!!!!

I'm Canadian and I know the band because I listen to them. The rest of the answers were easy because you just had to go back and pay attention. I know the band though. Here it is.

1. ArthurDBZking69
2. The Best Movie Ever, Accelleration v1.0, Cruisin' NSX, Who's The Boss Danza!, Fatass
3. Cotton Kings
4. Eskimo Mom, Eskimo Mom, She is Mom

and everyone waiting for this one...
5. Swollen Members

smoothstudios responds:

YES! Congrats BigBlueBalls! I have no way of contacting you so e-mail me

Life is short and time is running out, so you need to live as fast and furious as you possibly can. Just don't leave yourself behind in the process.

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